Monday, June 30, 2008

Emerson is Coming Early!

Okay, so about a week and a half ago I started feeling pressure (painful) down there. I went to the doctor and low and behold I had dilated and she had dropped so low that Dr. Herzog could feel her head during a pelvic exam. I went back to the doctor on Friday and had no change so he sent me home. "See you in a week." he said.

This morning I woke up with the painful pressure and almost in tears thinking about having to endure this pain until the 16th of July, so I became that person I despise (the complainer) and called the nurse. I went in this morning and she had dropped even lower (now resting her sweet little head on the woman bone). No wonder! Dr. Herzog looked into my puppy dog eyes and asked me if it would make me happy if he went ahead and delivered her on the 9th...a week early! My face brightened, the pain let up a little and I shouted "YES!"

Of course the pain is there, but the fact that I can actually say the words..."next week" seems to weaken the intensity of my pain!

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