Saturday, November 22, 2008

Campbell's Latest Milestone

Friday morning I asked Campbell to get his coat from his bedroom. He went down the hall and let out this horribly fake whine. I was immediately irritated when I found out that the whine was because his room was dark and he said he was scared...REALLY? Anyhow, I turned on the hall light and went about my business.
Next, I hear Campbell say, "Mom, I did it. I turned off the light." I didn't think anything of it because he always turns lights on and off with a bat or golf club. My response, "Cool." He then proceeded to yell, "I said I turned off the light, look Mom." So I went to the hall and sure enough my big boy can officially reach the light switch.
I started to make a big hooha and said we might have to get a treat for reaching such a big milestone. My comment immediately got an evil look from Wesley.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Awwww... that is so cute! I love the fact that HE was so excited about it! I say go for the treat!