Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A New Decade

Okay....so I'm 30. Big deal, right? I guess having two kids has mellowed me a little. I have to come to the conclusion that it isn't all about me anymore. Anyhow...I welcomed the 30's in typical Crystal fashion....acting like an idiot on stage at Pete's. The sad part is is that I remember everything. I kind of wish it was one of those nights where you don't remember anything at all.....no such luck! Even worse, Megan proceeds to send video clips from the evening via email the next day...lovely! And meanwhile, Beth is just laughing it up! Everytime I see her in the hall at school, she thinks it's real funny to reenact my dance moves. I will never live it down. Oh well, I will never be accused of being a wet blanket or not knowing how to have a good time!!!

Anyhow, as far as the Moncrief household, things are starting to calm down. Routines are being set and Emerson Mae is getting a whole lot better in the evenings. We resorted to buying a new swing. One hundred dollars later, it seems to help, but I am not sure if it is one hundred dollars worth of reprieve (see pic). I cannot tell you how broke I am going to be with the little diva. I finally broke down, much to Wes and Beth's chagrin, and purchased her first bows. She looks so adorable I can hardly take it. The bows aren't too big....yet! However, my next adventure is to learn to make my own because boy, can they be pricey! (again, see pic) I can't tell you how much fun I am having with her!

As for Campbell, I just can't take how big he is getting. He just melts my heart. He is real big on not making me sad. The minute I say, "Oh Campbell, mommy is so sad." he gets upset and will do anything to right his wrong. Yesterday he didn't eat any of his lunch at school and Wesley and I talked about how sad we were and how it wasn't good for his body to skip meals. Needless to say, the first thing he said to me when I picked him up today was, "Mommy, I ate all my lunch!" He is such a pleaser. He is really into puzzles and Batman these days. Don't really know where the Batman thing came from. Up until now, he had never seen an episode. His Momo sent him PJ's and he has worn them every night (see pic). Last thing about Campbell, he FINALLY got a haircutt. I took him by myself and he is finally over the fear...Whew! (see pic)

Now to Wesley...for my 30th he got me a sewing/embroidery machine. I don't think any of you can understand my excitement...I will be able to do so many things I didn't think I would ever be able to do. I can't tell you the amount of ideas I have in my head just waiting to come out! There is just one small problem...I don't know how to sew. No biggie, I am a quick learner and very eager to learn so I don't think I will have too much of a problem.

And now for the drama...Wesley is going out of town (College Station) to recruit. He will leave Wednesday and come back Friday night. I can do it...it won't be too big of a deal, but in two weeks, he goes to St.Louis for, SAY IT OUT LOUD WITH ME, one whole week! Help mommy....if you could see me right now, I am in the fetal position at just the thought of it!

Sorry for the long post, but it has been a while and a lot has been going on!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Happy Belated Birthday Crystal!!!
I hope that your 30th Birthday was awesome. Wish we could have seen you to celebrate! Love, Ashley