Monday, August 3, 2009

Bad Eating Habits!

I thought I would catch her really going to town, but unfortunately, this is a very mild version.  One day I will catch her on video eating the way she does when she has me doubled over in pain from laughing so hard!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Diva Moments!

Diva Moments!

Silly Face 001

Serious Face 

Silly Face 002

Shy Face

Silly Face 003

Silly Face

Silly Face 004

Hollywood Face (no photos, please)

Silly Face 005

Hungry Face (I’ll eat anything)

Silly Face 008

Cranky Face

Silly Face 009

Sleepy Face

Oh, how I love all your faces!  What a precious Pea Pod you are! By the way, I love your brother just as much, but he is too cool for these fun moments I have with you. 

(So no one say I have favorites!)

Dog Days 002Dog Days 003